From Surviving To Thriving

Learn To Never Burn Out Again

Move from feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed to feeling alive, empowered and at ease in 6 weeks.

Healing is possible no matter the stage of your burnout.

This Program Includes:

  • A combination of nutrition, lifestyle habits, and movement practices that will positively transform your health and life.  

  • Somatic exercises to quickly shift you from burned out to blissed out!

  • Weekly in-depth yet easy to implement teachings with key recovery information.

  • Mindfulness exercises to create a lasting mindset shift so you will never feel burnout again.

Hey, I know you think hustle is the only way to get s**t done. I am here to tell you there is another way. You don’t have to be burnt-out forever.

You can do this, and I am here to help you.

This Program Is For You If:

  • You’re feelin’ tired of being exhausted, and overwhelmed and you’re ready to live the life you dream of; one of which you are thriving ;).

  • You no longer want to define yourself as tired. Period.

  • You’re so over the guilt for not being there for your loved ones because you’re consistently cancelling, or showing up too tired to be fully present.

  • You want direct support and guidance into a way of BEing where you can finally thrive.

  • You feel like you are running after goals only to feel lack of fulfillment once they are achieved; AKA the process isn’t as enjoyable as you wish it would be.

  • Joy isn’t a consistent part of your life…..and you want it to be.

  • You want to feel more empowered, aware and intentional with how you handle your health and your life.

  • "A deep educational dive into your inner self. Definitely one of the most honest and profound experiences in my self-growth. " - Irmante


  • MODULE 1

    • Early signs of burnout

    • The science of what’s happening and what to look for 

  • MODULE 2

    • Creating safety through the body - what your nervous system can teach you 

    • Somatic exercises, breathwork and lifestyle habits to transform your nervous system to calm

  • MODULE 3

    • Creating a strong foundation of health with nutrition, lifestyle habits, sleep, supplements, and herbs

  • MODULE 4

    • Honoring your experience - how to self validate and create healthy boundaries

    • How rest will boost your productivity and why society will tell you the opposite

  • MODULE 5

    • Sustainable goal setting - how to keep your dreams alive alongside your energy levels

    • Time management practices

  • MODULE 6

    • Living intentionally and creating a balanced life with play and joy 

    • Learning how balance creates more efficiency and is more effective to our goals long term

Life is our willingness to experience; what would you like to experience more of?

Maayan sitting on a swing in a green area

Why Work with Me on Burnout?

I know first hand what burnout feels like. I’ve been there. Repeatedly… until I broke the pattern.

It’s a vicious cycle, and while your mind is telling you everything is important, I am here to tell you there is a better way. One where your joy and well-being is at the top. 

I am a nutritionist, yoga and mindfulness teacher. I focus on an integrative approach to support my clients to connect the dots on all levels of their health. It is important for me that we start shifting away from treating symptoms and go to the root of things. I believe that from a deep place of connection to self we can show up fully and wholeheartedly in the world. 

I walk my talk, and I am confident this program will be a game changer for you.

  • "Ma'ayan provided a comprehensive program to help me achieve my health priorities. Through our sessions not only did she provide great nutritional advice but also gave me the tools and increased my knowledge to make simple changes to my lifestyle. Her kind approach also created a non- judgmental space where she answered all my questions. Thanks to Ma'ayan, I have the tools to make positive changes in my life." -Alejandra G.

  • “Maayan’s knowledge and her passion to share it makes her one of the best healthcare professionals. She has genuine care for her clients and students, made evident by her attentiveness to their experiences, and how she always strives to give clear, concise and genuinely useful information. Personally, Maayan has helped me navigate various health issues. She is always my first and most trusted resource.- Rachael B.

  • "Learning from Ma'ayan's course "From Surviving to Thriving" offered applicable insight into why my health and dietary choices were feeding the burnout machine. Her knowledge of each component that factors into why the health of our bodies and minds deplete was the boost I needed to overcome the plateau along my healthy-living journey. Not only does her expertise shine, but she applies each lesson in "From Surviving to Thriving" to the personal needs of each participant, so they have takeaways to reflect on in addition to the empowerment of knowledge on how to grow into their healthiest self. "-Leilani Y.


  1. Are there any live calls?

    • There are no live calls, but you can upgrade to receive 3x coaching sessions that will support your personal needs.

  2. How long will the coursework take?

    • This programs has levels of engagement to give you freedom depending on your level of burnout and timeline. Course work is a mix of information and practice which you will be able to integrate beyond the course’s timeline. It is recommended to show up weekly and implement what you can.

    • You will also have lifetime access to the material.

  3. Who is this course for?

    Anyone experiencing burnout or have experienced burning out and want to ensure not to repeat the cycle.

  4. How do I pay?

    All prices are in USD and done through Stripe. An e-transfer is also available for Canadians. If you would like a different payment method please email me at